A Hunting Guide and TV Personality Who Loves the Outdoors
Born and raised in South Florida, Bill discovered his love for the outdoors at an early age, spending most of his childhood climbing trees, making bows and arrows, and hunting animals. At 13, he received his first shotgun and would ride his bike to his favorite hunting spots for dove, quail, and deer.
His Taxidermy Journey
In 1988, Bill met a taxidermist in North Carolina which sparked his interest in taxidermy. He thought that if he mastered the art, he could be around animals all year while making money. He returned to Florida in 1990 and established Bill Booth Taxidermy, where he showed his excellence in preserving animals. He received awards such as:
2004 National Taxidermy Champion
Best of Category – Whitetail Masters Division, World Taxidermist Association
Award of Excellence, National Taxidermist Association
Best of Show, Safari Club International
Judges’ Choice, Florida State Taxidermy Association
Two WASCO Awards
Professional Experience
In the past 45 years, Bill has been hunting animals in fresh and saltwater environments with guns, bows, and casts. He worked as a professional hunting guide at Hi Hat Ranch, Florida from 1992 to 2003 on a 15,000 acre ranch. He is an avid alligator guide who participates in Florida Public Waters’ annual harvest events. On top of that, Bill served as a:
Certified Fire Fighter and Instructor for 20 Years
Licensed Coast Guard Captain and Certified Diver
Professional Python Hunter
TV Personality

Wildlife Photography
In line with his interest in animals, Bill studied photography with Bob Sisson, a National Geographic photojournalist. “I began this project because, it also allows me to apply my background in photography, animals, and general outdoor knowledge to the production of quality outdoor programming,” Bill says. “It's the best way I know to help educate others and share my appreciation for the outdoors.”
Television Appearances
2012 “Pythonathon” on Nat Geo
2013 “Infestations” on the Oasis Network
2015 “The Wonderlist” on CNN
2017 “Ozzie and Jacks” on A&E
2017 Pilot Show on the Food Network
2018 Documentary on Nat Geo Explorer